Student Life (ছাত্র জীবন)

Student Life (ছাত্র জীবন)

Student Life (ছাত্র জীবন)

Introduction: The word 'STUDENT' literally means studious, tolerant, upright, dutiful, energetic, national, and truthful. This is the most important part of life. The part of a life spent in educational institutions such as madrasahs, colleges, and universities in acquiring knowledge is called student life. It is called the golden period of life.

Seed time: Student life is called the preparatory period of one's life. It is the seed time for the whole life. It is the time when the seed of future prosperity and happiness is to be sown. As he will sow at this stage of life, so will be reaped in his later life. If we sow seed properly in this period we can harvest good crops in the future. Therefore, an ideal student is to cultivate all the good qualities of a man during this time in order to build a happy and prosperous life.

Main duty: The first and foremost duty of a student is contemplation which stimulates him to study regularly. To gain knowledge and to cut good results in examinations is the main duty of a student. Formation of character is another important duty in a student's life. Without good character, we cannot imagine a good student.

Valuation of time: A good student must know the value of time. Time is the major factor for a student. Those who give value to time and do their work time must succeed in life. The student who is idle and does not complete their lesson timely must face the problem when the examination comes.

Social service: The main responsibility of the students is to achieve good and serviceable education. Apart from this, they have some social duties. They should come forward with their helping hands and cooperation during a national crisis. They should play an important role in rendering service to society.

Good manners: Student life is the time to achieve good qualities. Everybody loves the student whose behavior is good. An ideal student keeps good company. He should respect his teachers, parents, and other superiors. He should be well-behaved disciplined and regular in all his work. He must abide by the rules and regulations of his institutions.

A carefree life: Student life is free from all kinds of care and anxiety. The study should be the only duty of a student. He should not have any tension about the income and maintenance of the family.

Conclusion: Students are the future hopes and strength of the country. So they should be very much conscious of their duties and responsibilities. Student life is the time to build up one's career.

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