Punctuality (সময়ানুবর্তিতা) Composition 250 words paragraph in English
Punctuality (সময়ানুবর্তিতা)
Introduction: Punctuality means the habit of doing something at the appointed time. A man with this quality is called a punctual man. Punctuality saves time and helps one to perform a thing properly.
Use of time: Punctuality is a teaching of using time properly. A punctual man is always conscious of his duty. He makes the best use of time. He never makes late. Before doing anything he takes preparation. So he does everything timely in a and planned way.
Punctuality a habit: Punctuality does not grow in one day. It is continuous learning. The habit of punctuality is to be formed in one's childhood. So parents should be careful to teach the habit of punctuality to their children.
If parents along with their children get up early in the morning, they will find enough time to do everything at the right time. By being punctual one can glorify the world.
Utility: Punctuality is useful to all classes of people. A punctual student learns his lessons in time and therefore finds no difficulty in the examination. He never lags behind in class. He makes a better performance with brilliant success in life.
A businessman, a lawyer, and a doctor must be very punctual. Otherwise, they cannot shine in their profession. The lives of great men show that they were all punctual and their success in life was due to punctuality.
Sufferings of an unpunctual man: A man who is not punctual is an enemy not only to himself but also to society. He is a nuisance to everyone. A doctor's unpunctuality might cause the loss of life.
Similarly, a lawyer's unpunctuality may mean the ruin of his client. If a businessman is not punctual, his business might be paralyzed and he might suffer serious financial loss. In the office, an unpunctual man is rebuked by everybody. He may even lose his job.
Conclusion: Punctuality is the secret to success and happiness in life. Lack of punctuality is the cause of failure in every walk of life. It also bears the identity of one's personality. So we all should achieve this quality.