JSC Exam Routine 2022 Download Now
JSC Exam Routine 2022 and JDC Exam Routine 2022 have been published: Download the JSC Exam Routine 2022 of all the Boards of Education by the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and the JDC Exam Routine 2022 of Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board now. The schedule of the JSC JDC Examination 2022 is given below in detail.
When will the JSC JDC Exam 2022 start?
JSC and JDC examinations 2022 will be held simultaneously across the country from Saturday 2/11/2022 as per the date announced by the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and as per the rules next 11/11/2022 will end on Monday, and 13/11/2022 will end on Wednesday Will be JDC exam. (However, if the Board of Education changes the exam date for any reason, we will upload it here, so visit this page regularly.)
JSC Exam Routine 2022 Download
For the convenience of the students, we have highlighted the Junior School Certificate JSC exam routine 2022 with details.
Also Reed: SSC Exam Routine 2022 & HSC Exam Routine 2022
এখনো ২০২১-২০২২ সালের জে এস সি ও জেডিসি পরীক্ষার রুটিন প্রকাশিত হয়নি! বোর্ড কর্তৃক জেএসসি জেডিসি পরীক্ষার রুটিন প্রকাশিত হলে এখানে আপডেট করে দেয়া হবে।
JDC Exam Routine 2022 Download
JDC Final Examination Schedule or Junior Dakhil Certificate Examination Routine 2022 has been published for the eighth-grade students of about ten thousand madrasahs under Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board. According to the JDC Exam Routine 2022 announced by the Madrasah Board, the JDC Exam 2022 will start simultaneously across the country from Saturday, November 2 (02/11/2022), and will end on Wednesday, November 13 as per normal rules. The routine is presented to you…
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Particularly noteworthy for JSC JDC candidates
☞ Examinations will be conducted regularly as per the time mentioned in the question paper (Examinations will be held daily from 10 am to 1 pm.)
☞ The number of regular and irregular candidates in any of the subjects of Physical Education and Health and Work and Vocational Education and any one of the subjects of Agricultural Education / Home / Science. Urdu / Persian. Will provide. After receiving the roll number of the examinee, the concerned central secretary has to enter the number obtained from the continuous assessment online through the website of the board during the examination and send it to the board.
☞ Candidates should collect from the head of their respective educational institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination.
☞ The same answer sheet has to be used in creative and multiple choice exams. Candidates have to fill the circle by writing the exam roll number, registration number, subject code, etc. accurately in their respective OMR forms. And under no circumstances can the margin be drawn or the answer sheet folded for any other purpose.
☞ The examinee must sign the signature of each subject. Because it is a reliable document of participation in the test.
☞ Each candidate can participate in the examination only on the subject/subjects mentioned in the registration form/admission form. Under no circumstances can you participate in the test on a different subject. Legal action will be taken against the concerned center secretary and room observer if they participate in the examination on different subjects without the prior permission of the board.
☞ Candidates will be able to use a simple scientific calculator and keep an analog clock with them. Also can’t keep up with any other electronic device.
☞ No one other than the only center secretary will be able to use any device like a mobile phone in the test center. The Central Secretary will be able to use ordinary mobile phones (non-Android / modern devices cannot be used for communication purposes).
☞ Candidates must enter the examination room 30 minutes before the start of the examination and take seats. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination center with any mobile device / Bluetooth headphones or any such device.
☞ Students with disabilities (including students with hearing impairments) who will take part in the 2022 JSC JDC exams will be given an extra 20 minutes even after the normal time of the exam under special facilities. And all students with disabilities who have no hands / cerebral palsy, visually impaired can use myth writers.
☞ In addition, Autistic, Down Syndrome examinees will be accompanied by a parent/teacher/helper in the production and will be given an additional 30 minutes. This year’s JSC and JDC exams will not have to be passed separately in two parts like SSC. In other words, in many elections and creative question papers, even if there are two sections, if the two parts are combined, 33 will be considered as a pass.
☞ The JSC and JDC examinations are going to be held for the tenth time since 2010. Although the JSC and JDC examinations were supposed to be held under the supervision of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education in order to upgrade the primary education system to the eighth standard with the aim of improving the quality from 2016, it could not be implemented due to their inability to take up the responsibility. Therefore, this year also Junior School Certificate JSC Examination 2022 under the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education under the Ministry of Education and Junior Dakhil Certificate JDC Examination 2022 under Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board are going to be held.
☞ The 2017 JSC and JDC exams started on November 1 and ended in mid-November, i.e. on November 15. The results of the 2017 JSC examination and the results of the JDC examination were published on December 24 after 12 noon. The schedule and results of the examination were published on the website of the Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education as well as on Hourbd24.com.
☞ After the JSC examination till November 11 and the JDC examination till November 13, the results of the JSC and JDC examinations of 2022 will be published in the last week of December like every year this year and regularly. As soon as the results are published, it will be available on the websites of about nine education boards in Bangladesh as well as on ourbd24.com.